September - 2018
Now that the sweltering hot Summer is finally over, we are gearing up for the final quarter of the year with a lot new recruiting activity.
Market update:
The Japan unemployment rate is at 2.5% which is the lowest in 21 years and can be attributed to various factors including the tourism boom and a shrinking workforce.. Real GDP accelerated 1.9% in the April–June quarter and with the job-to-applicant ratio is the highest in 25 years, making job hunting even more competitive than ever. I am encouraging all job seekers to try to make the transition to growing sectors rather than just staying in stagnant ones and aware of what employers are looking for.
Now would be the perfect time to start considering your next career step this December / January so update your CV and check out my blog, facebook and tweets for the latest job market information and job openings. I am looking forward to hearing from our growing community of candidates and clients.
Have a great and productive week!
Al Parvez